We build and strengthen public health workforce capacity through trainings, on-the-job mentoring and supervision, drills and assessments.
GHF is passionate about increasing access to health care in extremely low-resource communities. We facilitate healthcare service delivery in hard-to-reach areas and among displaced persons in Nigeria and Africa.
One of our major goals is to strengthen public health emergency preparedness and response systems by creating sustainable workplace cultures, practices and policies that will mitigate the spread of infectious diseases.
Sustainable practices are upheld by policies that support them. We work to introduce, modify and improve policies related to better health outcomes.
The solutions we provide are evidence-based. We seek to improve outcomes that are based on needs, bridge gaps and are the right fit for challenges.
We work with public health institutions and authorities to identify ‘and implement sustainable solutions to strengthen workforce capacity and governance, and to establish sustainable public health delivery paradigms in diverse, multidisciplinary settings.
We provide on-site and remote support to organizations and agencies to implement public health practices.
We support research and implementation of practices that improve access to primary health care in rural communities.
We provide strategic support to develop and implement public health policies.